Author- Vibhor Shergill (Brother of Sabhyata Shergill)
With the rising health awareness among people, a massive surge in gym memberships has been witnessed in the past few years. Nowadays, the little time which is left after fulfilling the responsibilities, people are putting it to good use by focusing on keeping their body fit.
Additionally, many big corporations have constructed a dedicated recreational and fitness center inside the campus itself, where there is a provision of indoor games and gymnasium. Since, more and more people are getting cautious about their health, the health supplement market has boomed manifold times over the past few years.
So, keeping the health interests of people into consideration, in this post, we will talk about everything related to the health supplements.

Now, if you are a frequent visitor to the posts on this blog, you might be probably aware that we take each topic from the grass root level and we will do the same with this post as well. We will begin with the basics first, understand what supplements actually are and most importantly what they are not, then we will proceed to discuss the various types of fitness supplements available in the market along with the purpose they solve. After that, we will move on to discuss the parameters on which one should test the supplement upon, to ensure its authenticity and genuineness and then we will proceed onto deciding which fitness supplement would be the best for you, according to your needs.
Having been working out for more than four years now, I have garnered decent knowledge about the fitness and supplement industry. The information that I am about to provide here is after thorough analysis and proper investigation.
So without further a do, let’s begin..
What do we mean by a fitness supplement?
Going by the literal definition, a supplement is anything that is added to something else in order to complete or enhance it. So, a fitness supplement is any substance which contains one or more ingredients that enhance your existing diet to accomplish a certain goal such as building muscle mass or losing weight etc.
However, as the name suggests, a supplement is any substance, the intake of which enhances the fitness and health of an individual. A supplement is not, by any means, a substitute to a healthy and a balanced diet.
Depending upon the purpose they solve, the modern day health supplements, can be primarily of five types, namely:-
Whey Protein
Whey is a fast digesting protein and is an all natural by-product of the cheese making process – the liquid left over, once the milk has been curdled and strained. Approximately 20–25% of the protein in the milk of cows is made up of whey. In its powder form, it is one of the most popular sports nutrition products in the world because of its availability, cost and effectiveness. Once consumed, whey is rapidly digested and absorbed by the digestive system of our body from where it gets into our bloodstream and then into our muscles very quickly. Whey protein is very beneficial after an intense session of training when one needs to initiate the recovery process.
Types of Whey Protein:

(Image of a scoop of Whey Protein powder)
Casein Protein
Casein is a slow digesting protein. It carries the same amino acid profile as whey protein, but is absorbed differently. When casein protein enters the stomach, it forms into a gel-like substance, which allows for slow and efficient absorption of the protein into the bloodstream. A slow absorption rate facilitates the slow and sustained release of amino acids into the blood.
Casein’s ability to raise amino acids in blood more slowly and for a longer period makes it perfect for boosting the protein levels in the body over the course of a night. This makes casein protein ideal to consume before bed.
Casein protein has also been found to help preserve tooth enamel, control appetite and provide satiety for long duration.
Pre-Workout Supplements
As the name suggests, a pre-workout supplement is a substance that enhances the performance when taken immediately before the training session. The composition of pre-workout supplement varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. However, there are few nutrients that are commonly found in the pre-workout supplement of almost all fitness supplement brands, those nutrients are namely:-

(Image of one of the most successful Pre-Workout supplements)
Fat Burner
Fat burners are supplements that increase the body’s metabolism, increase energy and reduce appetite for a few hours after a person takes them, in order to encourage the body to burn the existing fat more rapidly for obtaining energy.
Fat burners are generally offered in the form of pills/tablets. Once the fat burner tablet enters the body, it causes the release of certain hormones that signal the mobilization of fat from the fat stores to the bloodstream. When the fat enters the bloodstream, it has to be burned by the body in order for it to lose that fat, therefore an intense workout/training session should be accompanied with the intake of a fat burner.
The composition of fat burners primarily consists of:- Green Tea, Caffeine and Citrus Aurantium, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), L-Carnitine etc.
Having said that, fat burners do not produce magical results from the day a person starts taking them and visible results come only after a few months of their regular intake and proper workout regimen. Fat burners, though, very effective in shredding down the unnecessary fat from the body must be accompanied with a calorie deficit diet in order to get best results.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 Fatty Acids are “essential” fatty acids which our bodies can not produce on their own, therefore one needs to proactively include it in one's diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are pivotal in preserving muscle mass, reducing muscle soreness after workout, boosting brain function and development and reducing the risk of heart diseases.
Studies have shown that when the body gets a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, the body gains more muscle. This is due to an effect called as nutrient partitioning i.e. the calories that might originally be stored as fat can be partitioned into muscle and thereby improving the muscle mass and reducing fat.
Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally found in flax seeds, walnuts, sardines, pumpkin seeds and flax oil. Though, to obtain sufficient amount from these sources, one needs to consume these sources in large quantities, which is often not practical. Therefore Omega-3 fatty acids are sold as supplements.

(Image of sources rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids)
Now, having discussed about the various types of supplements that are available in the market and what purposes they are used for, let us proceed to discuss the parameters one should judge the supplement upon, to ensure that the supplement purchased is authentic and will give optimal results.
(Image of an Authentic Hologram seal)
Having learnt the ways to check the product’s genuineness, let’s proceed to zero down on some of the best products of each type of fitness supplement, that are not only 100% authentic but are also found to produce better results than their competitors and thus would help you achieve your fitness goals while offering the most value for your money.
With the rising health awareness among people, a massive surge in gym memberships has been witnessed in the past few years. Nowadays, the little time which is left after fulfilling the responsibilities, people are putting it to good use by focusing on keeping their body fit.
Additionally, many big corporations have constructed a dedicated recreational and fitness center inside the campus itself, where there is a provision of indoor games and gymnasium. Since, more and more people are getting cautious about their health, the health supplement market has boomed manifold times over the past few years.
So, keeping the health interests of people into consideration, in this post, we will talk about everything related to the health supplements.

Now, if you are a frequent visitor to the posts on this blog, you might be probably aware that we take each topic from the grass root level and we will do the same with this post as well. We will begin with the basics first, understand what supplements actually are and most importantly what they are not, then we will proceed to discuss the various types of fitness supplements available in the market along with the purpose they solve. After that, we will move on to discuss the parameters on which one should test the supplement upon, to ensure its authenticity and genuineness and then we will proceed onto deciding which fitness supplement would be the best for you, according to your needs.
Having been working out for more than four years now, I have garnered decent knowledge about the fitness and supplement industry. The information that I am about to provide here is after thorough analysis and proper investigation.
So without further a do, let’s begin..
What do we mean by a fitness supplement?
Going by the literal definition, a supplement is anything that is added to something else in order to complete or enhance it. So, a fitness supplement is any substance which contains one or more ingredients that enhance your existing diet to accomplish a certain goal such as building muscle mass or losing weight etc.
However, as the name suggests, a supplement is any substance, the intake of which enhances the fitness and health of an individual. A supplement is not, by any means, a substitute to a healthy and a balanced diet.
Depending upon the purpose they solve, the modern day health supplements, can be primarily of five types, namely:-
- Whey Protein
- Casein Protein
- Pre-Workout Supplements
- Fat Burner
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Whey Protein
Whey is a fast digesting protein and is an all natural by-product of the cheese making process – the liquid left over, once the milk has been curdled and strained. Approximately 20–25% of the protein in the milk of cows is made up of whey. In its powder form, it is one of the most popular sports nutrition products in the world because of its availability, cost and effectiveness. Once consumed, whey is rapidly digested and absorbed by the digestive system of our body from where it gets into our bloodstream and then into our muscles very quickly. Whey protein is very beneficial after an intense session of training when one needs to initiate the recovery process.
Types of Whey Protein:
- Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) - WPC is the most economical form of whey protein. It has high levels of carbohydrates, fats and lactose. The protein content by weight in WPC can be anywhere between 25 to 85 percent. The percentage of protein in WPC depends on how concentrated it is. Lower end concentrates tend to have 28–35 percent protein and the higher end concentrates range from 75–85 percent protein.
- Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) - WPI is derived by further processing the whey protein concentrate, wherein, most of the fat and lactose present in the whey protein concentrate are removed. Since the lactose concentration in WPI is very low, it can be consumed even by the most lactose-sensitive people. The protein content in WPI is at least 90 percent and hence this form of whey protein is the most effective as well as offers the most value for money.
- Whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH) - WPH is also known as the pre-digested whey protein. WPH is derived by partially hydrolyzing the whey protein isolate to break down the constituent compounds into simpler forms to make them easier for the body to digest and get into the muscles. On the down side, the WPH costs almost twice as much as the the whey protein isolate.

(Image of a scoop of Whey Protein powder)
Casein Protein
Casein is a slow digesting protein. It carries the same amino acid profile as whey protein, but is absorbed differently. When casein protein enters the stomach, it forms into a gel-like substance, which allows for slow and efficient absorption of the protein into the bloodstream. A slow absorption rate facilitates the slow and sustained release of amino acids into the blood.
Casein’s ability to raise amino acids in blood more slowly and for a longer period makes it perfect for boosting the protein levels in the body over the course of a night. This makes casein protein ideal to consume before bed.
Casein protein has also been found to help preserve tooth enamel, control appetite and provide satiety for long duration.
Pre-Workout Supplements
As the name suggests, a pre-workout supplement is a substance that enhances the performance when taken immediately before the training session. The composition of pre-workout supplement varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. However, there are few nutrients that are commonly found in the pre-workout supplement of almost all fitness supplement brands, those nutrients are namely:-
- Arginine - It is one of the most popular pre workout ingredients and almost all major fitness supplements brands include this nutrient in their pre-workout supplements. The body converts Arginine into a chemical called Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow. Arginine also stimulates the release of insulin and growth hormone in the body.
- Beta Alanine - This nutrient is found to delay the muscle fatigue and improve the muscle strength, thereby improving the load taking capacity of the muscle.
- Betaine Anhydrous - It increases the rate at which the muscles utilize the oxygen, thereby increasing the total number of repetitions of a load that a person lifts. It is a very effective nutrient for boosting the muscle strength and power by as much as 20 percent.
- Caffeine - It is a very powerful stimulant that boosts energy level and increases alertness by binding with the receptors in the brain. This keeps fatigue down and enhances the performance during the training session.
- Creatine - This nutrient is widely popular in the fitness industry. Creatine works by providing quick energy to the muscles and delaying the onset of fatigue. It helps to regenerate the Adenosine-Tri-Phosphate (ATP) molecule which is our body’s main source of energy. Additionally, it pulls water into the muscles for a greater pump, which turns on processes that lead to greater long-term muscle growth and increase in muscle size.

(Image of one of the most successful Pre-Workout supplements)
Fat Burner
Fat burners are supplements that increase the body’s metabolism, increase energy and reduce appetite for a few hours after a person takes them, in order to encourage the body to burn the existing fat more rapidly for obtaining energy.
Fat burners are generally offered in the form of pills/tablets. Once the fat burner tablet enters the body, it causes the release of certain hormones that signal the mobilization of fat from the fat stores to the bloodstream. When the fat enters the bloodstream, it has to be burned by the body in order for it to lose that fat, therefore an intense workout/training session should be accompanied with the intake of a fat burner.
The composition of fat burners primarily consists of:- Green Tea, Caffeine and Citrus Aurantium, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), L-Carnitine etc.
Having said that, fat burners do not produce magical results from the day a person starts taking them and visible results come only after a few months of their regular intake and proper workout regimen. Fat burners, though, very effective in shredding down the unnecessary fat from the body must be accompanied with a calorie deficit diet in order to get best results.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 Fatty Acids are “essential” fatty acids which our bodies can not produce on their own, therefore one needs to proactively include it in one's diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are pivotal in preserving muscle mass, reducing muscle soreness after workout, boosting brain function and development and reducing the risk of heart diseases.
Studies have shown that when the body gets a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, the body gains more muscle. This is due to an effect called as nutrient partitioning i.e. the calories that might originally be stored as fat can be partitioned into muscle and thereby improving the muscle mass and reducing fat.
Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally found in flax seeds, walnuts, sardines, pumpkin seeds and flax oil. Though, to obtain sufficient amount from these sources, one needs to consume these sources in large quantities, which is often not practical. Therefore Omega-3 fatty acids are sold as supplements.

(Image of sources rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids)
Now, having discussed about the various types of supplements that are available in the market and what purposes they are used for, let us proceed to discuss the parameters one should judge the supplement upon, to ensure that the supplement purchased is authentic and will give optimal results.
- Brand - Always purchase supplements manufactured by reputed brands. The brands that are well established in the sports and nutrition industry take the health of the customers seriously and are less likely to indulge in manufacturing counterfeit products.
- Printing errors - Research for the product that you are interested in buying on its manufacturer’s official website. Note the details like spellings of the text written on the sticker of the supplement box, the background colour of the sticker and the colour in which the text is written. Now, compare the authentic product available on the website to the product you are looking forward to buy.
- Authorized Distributors - Most sports and nutrition manufacturers have authorized a few distributors in every country. Only those distributors have the right to sell the brand’s products in that country. Check out the list of authentic distributors in your country and proceed to buy the supplements only after conforming the authenticity of the distributor.
- Hologram and Seal - No matter which supplement you purchase, the genuine brands always ensure that the lid is properly sealed to the box. This is done in order to prevent leakages during transportation and to prevent contamination of the contents present inside the box. Secondly, check for the authentic hologram of the brand on the box. If either of the seal or the hologram is absent, it is highly likely that the product is counterfeit and one should stay away from it.
(Image of an Authentic Hologram seal)
Having learnt the ways to check the product’s genuineness, let’s proceed to zero down on some of the best products of each type of fitness supplement, that are not only 100% authentic but are also found to produce better results than their competitors and thus would help you achieve your fitness goals while offering the most value for your money.