There are many many things that one can do before turning 25, I will write the best 10 of those.
- Have a good and healthy body. By good body I do not necessarily mean a muscular or jacked one, but the one that is in good shape, lean, strong. As this is the prime time when your body is at its peak of attractiveness. Make sure people notice it :) If you go to gym, you should invest in some quality protein powder to get the desired muscle or endurance in your body. Here is my recommended product:-

(Image of David Beckham)
- Have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Having someone to love and someone who loves you is a feeling unmatched. No other feeling in this world can replace the feeling of love.
- Invest time and money in your passion. 20s is a time in everyone’s life when one can explore. Later on, life is just duties and obligations. So make the most of your 20s. If you have passion in art, teach it. If you have passion in photography you must take pictures so that when you get older you have memories in the form of pictures of your youth days. You may invest in good DSLR cameras if you don’t already have one, check it out:-

(Image of a person taking photos with DSLR Camera)
- Have a pet. Having someone who adores you of another species will teach you what unconditional love is.
- If you have that kind of money, invest in a car. Never compromise on safety. Always buy a car with Airbags, EBD, ABS etc. Safety should never be compromised.
- Make contacts with influential people/politicians that will help you in future in times of need.
- Travel. I have heard this saying “While traveling, you meet your inner self” i.e when you travel you get to know what your heart wants.
- Love your Parents. I can not stress further on the fact that your parents are the only ones that will stay by your side when everyone leaves. Love them. Respect them.
- Do not waste time on stupid TV shows.
- If you have surplus, donate. The feeling you get when you give some of your things to the needy and under-privileged people will bring tears of satisfaction in your eyes. Do experience it at least once.